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contouring control中文是什么意思

用"contouring control"造句"contouring control"怎么读"contouring control" in a sentence


  • 连续轨径控制
  • 轮廓描绘控制


  • Accurate contour control
  • Numerical control of machines - data format for positioning , line motion and contouring control systems
  • Numerical control of machines . program format and definition of address words . part 1 : data format for positioning , line motion and contouring control systems
  • Numerical control of machines - program format and definition of address words - part 1 : data format for positioning , line motion and contouring control systems
  • Optics material such as optical glass , optical crystal and glass ceramic can be machined with mrf . the mrf machine tool is the fundamental equipment to fulfill advanced techniques of manufactory . as a part of the key project , “ research on nano - scaled ultra - smooth surface magnetorheological finishing technique ” , the mrf machine cnc system was developed and some key techniques such as surface control , contour control , servo control and interpolate algorithm are deeply studied in this dissertation
用"contouring control"造句  
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